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House Plant Wholesale WEST

Snake Plant Laurentii

Snake Plant Laurentii

Regular price $14.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $14.00 USD
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This evergreen perennial native to tropical West Africa and Nigeria, is a great addition to any office or household as a natural air purifier. Snake plants have strong and sturdy, sword shaped leaves which are drought tolerant and retains the plants water. This plant can be easily propagated by leaf cuttings so you can multiply your family of snake plants or give them away as a gift. This particular variety will have a yellow outline along with its definitive dark green pattern towards the middle of each stalk.

Light: Snake plants can tolerate a wide range of light conditions. They can survive in low light but prefer bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves.
Watering: Snake plants are drought-tolerant and prefer to dry out between waterings. Water them when the top inch of the soil feels dry. It's better to underwater than overwater, as they are susceptible to root rot.
Soil: Use well-draining soil for your Snake Plant. A cactus or succulent potting mix works well. Ensure that the pot has drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.
Temperature: Snake plants are adaptable to a wide temperature range. They can tolerate temperatures between 50-85°F (10-29°C). Avoid exposing them to cold drafts or extreme temperature fluctuations.
Humidity: Snake plants are low-maintenance when it comes to humidity. They can thrive in average household humidity levels. They are tolerant of both dry and humid environments.
Fertilizer: Snake plants are not heavy feeders. You can fertilize them sparingly with a balanced houseplant fertilizer every few months during the growing season (spring and summer). Follow the package instructions for the proper dosage.
Pruning: Snake plants have slow growth, and pruning is usually not necessary. However, you can trim any yellow or dead leaves close to the base of the plant to maintain its appearance.
Repotting: Snake plants prefer to be slightly root-bound, so repotting is not needed frequently. Repot them every 2-3 years or when they outgrow their current pot. Use a slightly larger pot with well-draining soil.

Remember, Snake plants are known for their resilience and ability to withstand neglect. These care instructions provide a good foundation, but be sure to monitor your plant and adjust the care routine as needed based on its specific requirements.

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